Monday, September 04, 2006

September 4th, 2006


There was hint of Fall in the air this morning and the birds knew it. There was good variety around (53 species for ET's) 25 species of which found there way into the nets.

Banded 56: 1 BBCU, 2 EAWP, 1 YBFL, 3 GCFL, 3 BCCH, 3 HOWR, 2 BGGN, 1 VEER, 1 SWTH, 1 AMRO, 3 GRCA, 1 WAVI, 1 PHVI, 1 REVI, 1 CSWA, 8 MAWA, 1 BTNW, 1 BLBW, 1 AMRE, 1 COYE, 1 WIWA, 1 CAWA, 2 SCTA, 5 SOSP, 10 AMGO.

Retrapped 8: 1 DOWO, 2 BCCH, 1 WAVI, 2 NOCA, 1 SOSP, 1 AMGO.



A good size crew out today with 7 volunteers present. A few Common Nighthawk (CONI) were noticed over the field on census. Seemed fairly quiet in the banding area but birds continued to appear in the nets.

Banded; MODO 4, EAWP 2, SWTH 2, GRCA 2, MAWA 4, CMWA 1, BTBW 2, MYWA 1, AMRE 1, OVEN 1, NOCA 1, SOSP 2, AMGO 6 = 28.

16 retraps also were proessed.


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