Thursday, April 20, 2006

April 20th, 2006

The 1/2 dozen or so ATSP that have been freeloading at the j-trap did not appear today. Perhaps they finally have gone north. A few birds did move in over night resulting in a fairly good day at Selkirk.

Banded: WIWR 1, GCKI 1, RCKI 22, HETH 23, AMRO 1, MYWA 4, FISP 1, SAVS 1, SOSP 3, SWSP 3, WTSP 2, SCJU 16, RWBL 1, BHCO 3, AMGO 1 = 83

Some trout lillies were out in bloom today. Also seen the first blooming early buttercup of the season.



Years of banding tends to pervert one's perceptions. Here I am, opening the nets under a waning half moon, the skies clear, the sun about to burst forth into another glorious day and I'm thinking: "Damn!!!...nice weather again. No birds!" I'll bet I was the only person in southern Ontario with that take on the day.

And as it turned out, there weren't a lot of 'new' birds around.
Banded 23
: 1 MODO, 1 BCCH, 2 RCKI, 1 CHSP, 1 FISP, 1 SWSP, 5 SCJU, 3 RWBL, 5 BHCO, 3 AMGO.

Retrapped 10: 1 DOWO, 1 AMRO, 1 CHSP (at least 3 years old), 1 FISP, 1 WTSP, 1 SCJU, 2 BHCO, 2 AMGO.

There was some consolation however. There was a brilliant male Pine Warbler calling along the edge by the cement gate posts. (Sounds like a melodic Chipping Sparrow.) Its bright yellow breast stuck out 75 m away. There were at least 2 Yellow-rumped Warblers (both males) in the woods behind the cemetery. And there were 2 Red-breasted Nuthatches in the same area - a relative rarity at Ruthven.


Some photos (descriptions appear above the photos):

Waning half moon at opening time.

White Adder's Tongues are beginning to blossom at Ruthven.

Linda Jackson - the front office 'animator' (this is the new word for the person that makes things happen). Linda keeps all Ruthven's balls in the to speak. She is bringing food to the bander as she has come to understand the strong positive correlation between victuals and bander happiness. Note the environmentally-friendly golf cart. They do have bicycles for getting around on the grounds but...evidently you have to pedal them.

A carpet of Spring Beauties emerging in front of the Historic Mansion.

Field Sparrow (left) and Swamp Sparrow (right) for comparison.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rick (and others), all this complaining about nice weather...can you explain what sort of weather you find to be best for seeing/trapping 'new birds'? Also, please explain why nice weather is not so nice in this regard.